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It is the responsibility of landlords and employers to ensure the electrical activity on their properties is routinely tested and tagged. As a legal and moral obligation, owners owe it to their tenants to offer a safe and reliable environment free of electrical mishaps. The risk of such accidents is even higher in office environments where electronics are used on a large scale and on a daily basis. This makes test and tag services a must to employ on a regular basis.

Why Are the Electrical Risks That Individuals Face?

Faulty electronic appliances can cause many problems, including harming the safety of individuals. Each year several people succumb to accidents caused by electrical fires, and electrocution. There are also many injuries such as burns and shocks resulting from circuit problems and wiring errors.

The main issue in most of these cases is the failure to identify these faults in time. Admittedly, most of the faults occur within the wiring system or the internal body of electronics. This makes it difficult to identify any problems in the first place, until it’s too late. Current leakage and poor earthing problems are also major problems that go unseen and can have deadly consequences.

Testing and tagging facilities provide the ultimate solution to such problems. A testing and tagging electrician thoroughly inspects electronics for any existing problems. He/she may also observe any potential for developing problems. All in all, he tags all the tested appliances with the date of when they were tested and schedules a future testing. Consult safety plans with companies like Jim’s Test & Tag for a timely diagnosis and early solutions. Test and tag electricians are also skilled and experienced in performing tests and checks for the following:

1. Naked wires or convoluted wires
2. Unraveled cords
3. Tripping issues
4. Chemical and water damage to electronics
5. Faulty wiring
6. Insulation resistance

Testing for faults is understood but many people may question why tagging is equally important. Following every electrical inspection, tagging is carried out; any equipment that is cleared of faults is marked safe while those which aren’t are marked unsafe. This allows for a systematic elimination of unsafe equipment. For anyone to discover unused faulty equipment, a tag can deter him from making use of it. This will also work for various other purposes such as identification and assortment. Plus, since there is always a risk for accidents to occur, a tag can potentially save the owner from a legal suit. Should any unforeseen problems arise in relation to an equipment that is tested and tagged, he can use the tag for legal protection against unfair blame for negligence. This is to say that he fulfilled his responsibility of maintaining safety checks. Testing and tagging ultimately saves hundreds of lives each year just by employing timely inspections and maintaining the safety protocol. It is the best way to make sure the environment in which electronics are used is kept for safe for everyone.

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